
If you feel you meet the following requirements, then contact one of the Officers in-game.

We look for people with the following characteristics:

  • Conduct themselves in a way that displays maturity. This includes conduct in-game, chat programs, e-mail messages, etc.
  • Good sportsmanship, and show respect for fellow gamers.
  • A desire to have fun.

Other recommended items:

  • A willingness to role-play and use lore appropriate names.

We WILL NOT accept or tolerate:

  • Swearing
  • Racism
  • Bigotry
  • Cheating
  • Use of exploits

Enlistment process

  • Players wishing to enlist with the Guardsmen, are expected to have read and follow the guidelines set forth in the Charter.

  • A player enters the Kinship as a Recruit, and will remain at that rank while on probation for a minimum of two (2) weeks.

  • At the end of the probation period, the Kinship leadership will then decide to either promote the player to the rank of Member, extend the probation by another week, or remove the Recruit from the Kinship enlistment process.

  • For further details and information, please review the Charter's Enlistment section.